PTRA Supplier Guide

A Message from Jeff Norwood                                

“Our suppliers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of our materials and components and, ultimately, the service we provide to customers. We believe that the success of our supplier relationship requires adherence to the highest ethical, legal and procurement standards.”

Jeff Norwood, PTRA General Manager

The PTRA / Supplier Relationship

As part of our commitment to high standards of ethical behavior and legal compliance, we developed the PTRA Supplier Guide to remind suppliers of the standards that we expect in our business relationships.

The Guide outlines key expectations from our Code of Conduct and also includes the standards PTRA follows to acquire quality goods and services at the lowest total cost of ownership. Primary areas covered include the following:

  • Gifts and business entertainment
  • Conflict of interest
  • Environmental compliance and safety
  • Harassment in the workplace
  • Reciprocity
  • Competitive Bidding

Your company's adherence to these standards in all dealings with PTRA employees is essential. Failure to do so can result in a loss of business with PTRA. If a PTRA employee suggests conducting business in a manner inconsistent with the standards, or if you suspect fraud by an employee or other third party, you are expected to immediately report the incident to PTRA’s Director of Human Resources at 713-393-6526 or PTRA's Company Hotline toll-free at 877-217-4675.

We at PTRA value all of our suppliers and believe this Guide enhances that relationship.

The PTRA Supplier Guide

At PTRA, we are committed to high standards of ethical behavior and legal compliance. This guide describes the ethical, legal and procurement standards that PTRA expects in our business relationships with suppliers. You should understand and comply with these standards. Failure to do so or causing an employee to violate the standards could result in a loss of business with PTRA.


The PTRA Employee Code of Conduct defines the ethical and legal standards we expect from our employees when conducting business. This code fosters a standard of conduct that will reflect positively on the company and the individual as well as protect the well-being of PTRA.

Listed below are several components of the code that could impact the relationships between PTRA employees and suppliers. The entire Code of Conduct can be found on our website at PTRA Officers’ Code of Conduct.

  • Gifts and Business Entertainment

Employees cannot accept anything that might impair, or appear to impair, the employee’s ability to perform company duties or exercise judgment in a fair and unbiased manner.

  • Conflict of Interest

No employee should enter into a transaction or engage in a practice that would influence him or her to act other than in the best interest of the company.

  • Environmental Compliance and Safety

The company is committed to operating in a manner that will protect the environment and human health and safety. Further, PTRA requires employees to take a responsible, safe approach to their duties in safeguarding the public and corporate trust.

  • Harassment in the Workplace

PTRA is committed to maintaining a workplace free from harassment. This includes verbal, physical and written conduct.

  • Reciprocity

No purchases are contingent upon the supplier’s patronage of PTRA or the purchase of another product or service.

  • PTRA Hotline

If a PTRA employee suggests that a supplier may obtain business in return for personal benefit (financial or otherwise) or fails to comply with PTRA’s code, or if you suspect other fraud by an employee or third party, immediately report the incident to the PTRA Director of Human Resources at 713-393-6526 or the PTRA Hotline at 877-217-4675. Callers to the hotline may remain anonymous if desired. 


PTRA Purchasing Standards are the proper business practices expected of suppliers and employees when procuring goods and services. They include the following:

  • The value of each purchasing decision is based on total cost of ownership (including quality, service, administration and price).
  • Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations and must document compliance with regulatory requirements and service-level agreements.
  • Employees must seek competitive bids whenever possible to procure goods and services for PTRA. Suppliers must develop their bids independently without consulting other bidders.
  • Suppliers who perform work on PTRA property are responsible for complying with all applicable PTRA safety rules, regulations and policies. Contractors may also be required to submit a Safety Action Plan and complete safety training.

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